20 November 2014 0 Comments
This digital recreation of a portion of Sandro Del-Prete’s The Garden Fence (originally painted in 1969) was created by Josh Sommers. You can find the original version of The Garden Fence, along with several other works from Del-Prete, in our previous post that featured a collection of his impossible paintings. This particular homage features a […]
21 October 2014 0 Comments
The man in this photograph is putting the finishing touches on a homemade rectangular wooden frame. As he tightens the final screw, however, he cannot help but notice that something seems peculiar about the carpentry. The two pieces of wood in the center cross one another in a very unnatural way. How did he build […]
2 September 2014 0 Comments
This impossible-looking LEGO structure was created by a Flickr user going by the handle of Brixie63. It is a recreation of and homage to David Macdonald’s famous digital manipulation titled The Terrace. What makes the story even more interesting is that David Macdonald created The Terrace as an homage to The Warped Chessboard painting by […]
14 August 2014 0 Comments
David Macdonald, the creator of this impossibly perplexing scene, had the following to say about this work: The pathways in this building are in fact a single horizontal plane. There are no less than twenty two false links which treat this single plane as different levels …… stairs and ladders which simply serve to join […]
30 June 2014 0 Comments
This painting from British surrealist artist Norman Parker is a reworking of a familiar optical illusion. Glastonbury Tor, a holy hill in Southwest England, can be seen in the background through the impossible columns / pillars. As you move from the top of the painting to the bottom, the four square columns transform into six […]
19 May 2014 0 Comments
It has been a while since we featured one of Andreas Aronsson’s impossible figures. Depending on how you look at this figure, the small (blue) square is either on top of or below the larger (red) square.This figure was made during a particularly hectic time in Andreas Aronsson’s life as he was living out of […]
Anamorphosis,Forced Perspective,Impossible,Video
21 November 2013 0 Comments
This one minute commercial for the Honda CR-V features a number of different optical illusions. The tag line for the commercial is “An Impossible Made Possible”, and the result is a mind-bending and pretty entertaining advertisement. I typically do not like many commercials, but I must admit that this one was well done. Do you […]