Pikachu 3D Stereogram

Stereo 18 July 2016 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Intrigued by the latest Pokemon craze that is sweeping the nation, stereogram artist Gene Levine decided to make a Pikachu-inspired stereogram.  Gene has not played the new Pokemon Go game (and does not intend to!), but he just kept hearing about it.  When he finally heard Bill Maher talk about the game on one of his recent shows, he knew that Pokemon fever was for real.

If you have not heard about this new game, it allows players using a mobile device to capture, battle, and train virtual creatures (which are called Pokemon), who appear on the screens of their devices as though they actually exist in the real world.

Pikachu 3D Stereogram

While Pokemon Go is a pretty fun game to play, don’t forget about other games like stick hockey and foosball.

(via eyeTricks 3D Stereograms)

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Caught Inside a Bubble Optical Illusion

Color, Video 7 July 2016 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

In this video, you will see grey circles turn into circles of different colors (green, yellow, red, and purple) before your very eyes.  The bubbles are absolutely colorless (the same color as the background), but when the screen alternates between the colored circles and bubbles, phantom colors begin to appear.

This illusion was a top 10 finalist for the 2016 Illusion of the Year Contest.  It was created by Mark Vergeer, Stuart Anstis and Rob van Lier from the University of Leuven, Belgium, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and UC San Diego, USA.

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Fall Floating by Rob Gonsalves

Ambiguous 23 June 2016 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

In this new painting by Rob Gonsalves, several rowboats can be seen floating on a leaf-covered lake.  Take a look at the closest row boat, however, and you will notice something a little different.  It seems that this boat is resting on the top of a tree.  It is very interesting how Gonsalves uses floating leaves and the reflections of the tree trunks to transition from the furthest boat to the closest boat.

Fall Floating by Rob Gonsalves

(via Huckleberry Fine Art)

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Hole in the Hand Optical Illusion

Video 20 June 2016 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

TutoDraw creates a lot of interesting videos like these on his YouTube channel.  Here, he uses red and black india ink, a pencil, and a white piece of paper to create the illusion of a hole in his hand.  It looks like you can see right through his palm onto the white paper beneath his hand.  As simple as this illusion was to complete, it is surprisingly detailed and effective.

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Moon Hoops

Forced Perspective 2 June 2016 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

The NBA Finals start tonight with the Golden State Warriors facing the Cleveland Cavaliers for the second year in a row.  As such, I went on a hunt for a basketball-related optical illusion.  It looks like Photoshop might be involved here, but that’s okay.  Check out these two kids simulating a game of basketball with the moon.  I’ve got to give the kid playing defense a little credit, he has a serious vertical and almost blocked the shot.

Moon Hoops

I think it’s going to be a pretty close series, but I’m taking the Warriors in 7.

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Brick Wall Optical Illusion

Hidden Objects 27 May 2016 3 Comments

A Facebook user by the name of Arron Bevin posted this photograph of a brick wall to his account earlier this month.  He indicated that it was one of the best optical illusions he had ever seen.  He further said that it took him a good 5 minutes to find the hidden image in this photograph.  And then… the photograph blew up and went viral.

I was skeptical that it would be that difficult, so I started looking at it.  Lo and behold, after a few minutes, I still had no clue what I was supposed to be seeing.  And then it hit me.  It is so simple that I felt kind of silly that I didn’t spot it right away.  Now that I have seen it, I cannot “un-see” it.  It is the first thing I see when I look at the image now.

Bricks Optical Illusion

Can you figure out what is unique about this brick wall?

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World Wildlife Day Elephant Poster

Ambiguous 23 May 2016 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Last month, winners were selected in a poster contest to spread the word about UN World Wildlife Day 2016.  In total, over 300 entries were submitted and three of these submissions were selected as the overall winners.  One of these posters, presented below, was created by Patrick George from the United Kingdom.  It features two hands forming a kind of heart shape.  The negative space between the two hands contains an image of an elephant.  The tagline on the poster is “The future of elephants is #InOurHands”, which makes this design even more relevant.

WWF Elephants

In a press release about the poster competition, the organizers of World Wildlife Day indicate that:

The key message of WWD2016 is that we, the human beings, hold the future of all wildlife in our hands; failure to take actions now will have immediate, sometimes devastating, consequences for species of animals and plants.

For another look at an interesting animal-related illusion, be sure to check out the cow optical illusion.

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