17 December 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
I was not familiar with a Hilbert cube prior to seeing this new stereogram created by Gene Levine. It is named after the German mathematician David Hilbert, and even when I read the definition, I am still not exactly sure what it is. Here is how Wikipedia defines the Hilbert cube:
The Hilbert cube is best defined as the topological product of the intervals [0, 1/n] for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, … That is, it is a cuboid of countably infinite dimension, where the lengths of the edges in each orthogonal direction form the sequence
Sounds confusing, doesn’t it? Stare at this image to see a 3D version of this very complicated concept.

(via eyeTricks 3D Stereograms)

Tagged in gene levine, stereo, stereogram
Forced Perspective
14 December 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
Ben Heine continues to expand his Pencil Vs Camera portfolio with this new photograph that merges fantasy with reality. Here, in this busy walkway, Heine holds up a torn piece of paper in the middle of the photograph. Draw on this paper are a group of individuals aligned in the shape of a heart.

(via Ben Heine)

Tagged in ben heine, perspective, photograph
10 December 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
Photographer and Photoshop expert Erik Johansson recently created this work titled Soundscapes. The “soundwaves” coming from the the old school gramophone morph into trees in the background as they move from left to right. Two gentlemen in the foreground are carrying a large record toward the antique sound machine. I might recommend some iTunes gift cards for these guys for the holidays. It would make changing the song a lot easier.

(via Erik Johansson)

Tagged in ambiguous, erik johansson, music
3 December 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
Streetpainter Leon Keer completed this anamorphic painting featuring Pac Man in Detroit on October 20, 2015. This 3D painting was created using acrylics on the floor of the downtown One Campus Martius building owned by Dan Gilbert. The painting was left on display through the end of November 2015, giving all those who work in the building a chance to see and interact with it. This art was supported by the Bedrock and Library Street Collective.

(via Leon Keer)

Tagged in anamorphosis, leon keer, pacman, sidewalk
30 November 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
This purple circle created by Akiyoshi Kitaoka appears to wobble and pulsate as you look at it. Try focusing on the gray dot int he center of the image and then moving your head around. You will find that the circle appears to be very unstable against the black background.

(via Akiyoshi Kitaoka)

Tagged in akiyoshi kitaoka, circle, motion, pulsate
22 November 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
In this painting by Rob Gonsalves, the scene in the foreground presents an entirely different meaning than the scene in the background. This type of transition is pretty common in all paintings from Gonsalves. If you look toward the back of the image, it appears to be an open body of water – maybe even an ocean. In the foreground, however, there is a group of individuals standing around and holding umbrellas. The guy that is in the tall tree on the right helps to add to the confusion presented in this scene. Is he climbing the tree to get a better look at all the people with uniform umbrellas, or is he just attempting to stay dry?

(via Huckleberry Fine Art)

Tagged in ambiguous, rob gonsalves, umbrella, water
16 November 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts
This photograph of a cliff in Southern Iceland (on the island of Heimaey which translates to Home Island) appears to be a giant elephant with its trunk in the water. Perhaps it is taking a drink? This “elephant” has become a tourist attraction to this island that claims about 4,500 residents.

View below to see some additional photographs of this unique rock formation.
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Tagged in elephant, natural, water