Wolverine… or 2 Batmen?

Ambiguous 16 March 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

I remember seeing this image floating around the Internet a while back and recently stumbled across it again.  It is a really well illustrated ambiguous drawing.  Do you see Wolverine from the X-Men or two Batmen (would that be the plural of Batman?) staring at one another in front of a yellow background?

Wolverine or 2 Bat Men

If anyone knows who the artist of this illustration is, please let me know in the comments.

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DIRIMART Gallery Installation by Peter Kogler

Miscellaneous 12 March 2015 1 Comment

Peter Kogler decorated the walls, floor and ceiling of this section of the DIRIMART Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey in 2011.  The carefully drawn lines give the impression that the entire room is somehow warped and distorted creating an uneasy feeling for anyone entering this corridor.

Dirimart Gallery by Peter Kogler

This photograph was taken by Atelier Kogler.

(via Peter Kogler)

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Echoes From the Woods

Ambiguous 9 March 2015 3 Comments

This design by Malo and the Whale was submitted to Threadless as a potential candidate for a t-shirt design.  The reflection of the trees, moon, and buildings in the adjacent lake create a very interesting scene.  Do you notice unique about it?

Echoes From the Woods by Malo and the Whale

(via Threadless)

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The Dress Optical Illusion – What Color is it?

Color 28 February 2015 1 Comment

Every now and then, some optical phenomena comes along and creates a buzz.  The current one going around the Internet is being called “What Color is this Dress?” (also known more simply as the optical illusion dress), and it is a pretty good one.  Have a quick look at the picture of the dress below… what two colors do you see on this dress?

What Color is This Dress

Some people see a white and gold dress while others are seeing a blue and black dress.  Me personally, I kind of see a light blue and gold dress, so maybe I’m in a third camp here.  Whatever color this dress is, it has caused quite a stir.  I would be curious to see what colors people are seeing here, so please drop a quick comment and let me know what two colors you are seeing.

Our brains make a lot of assumptions when trying to process the color of an object.  In order to explain what is going on here, it might be helpful to look back at the color saturation illusion and the checker shadow illusion video.

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The Cover Up by Erik Johansson

Miscellaneous 26 February 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Erik Johansson is an expert at using Adobe Photoshop to take real photographs and turn them into something magical.  The man on the ladder in the photograph below appears to not like the dark and dismal view of the landscape in the background.  So what does he do?  Well… instead of complaining about it, he prints out some banners of a more pleasant scene and hangs them on a wire to completely change the view.  The trick with Erik’s work is that he takes many photographs with the same perspective and lighting and is then able to merge them together such that they look like a seamless scene that could actually exist in real life.

The Cover Up by Erik Johansson

You can view a lot more of Erik’s deceptive photographic work on his website, or have a look at Common Sense Crossing which we posted on An Optical Illusion a couple of years ago.

(via Erik Johansson)

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Octopus Anamorph by Truly Design

Anamorphosis 23 February 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

This anamorphic octopus mural was painted by Mach505 of Truly Design at SAMO, the artistic hub of Torino, Italy.  He spent two weeks searching for the best way to break up the tentacles of the green beast in the best way possible.

Octopus Anamorph #1

Additional photographs of this painting can be found below.

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Variation of the Cafe Wall Illusion

Estimation 19 February 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

In this variation of the Cafe Wall illusion, created by Alan Stubbs, the vertical gray lines between the black and white squares appear to be quite wavy.  If you take a straight edge (like a sheet of paper or a ruler), however, and hold it up to the lines, you will find that they are perfectly straight and parallel.

Cafe Wall Variation

(via Alan Stubbs)

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