Low Flying Plane

Shadow 22 January 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Why is this plane flying so low to the ground?  It looks like an extremely dangerous maneuver.

Low Flying Plane

The plane is actually flying high above the ground. What appears to be the plane’s “shadow” is a lake far below in the background.  This image was provided courtesy of Robert Ausbourne.

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Minotaur Anamorph by Truly Design

Anamorphosis 19 January 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Truly Design was asked to create this anamorphic installation for Burning Giraffe Art Gallery in Turin, Italy.  Describing this project, they indicated that:

“We chose the minotaur because of its double human and animal nature, the latter being that of a bull, symbol of our hometown Torino.  The minotaur lives secluded in its labyrinth, as do we within city walls.  However, animal instinct borne within its mind spurs it towards freedom, aspect represented by the minotaur’s dynamic pose, ready to pounce or dash.“

Minotaur Anamorphic Painting by Truly Design #1

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Motion 15 January 2015 3 Comments

The folks over at Optical Spy created this really nice motion illusion called Butterflies.  The square in the center of this image appears to be completely unstable as it appears to wobble around.

Butterflies by Optical SpyTo see an illusion with a similar effect, take a look at the Moving Mona Lisa Face.

(via Optical Spy)

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Arboreal Office by Rob Gonsalves

Ambiguous 12 January 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

This painting by Rob Gonsalves, completed in October 2014, features a dramatic transformation.  Looking at the painting from the bottom, a man is standing in a wooded area by a campfire, but as he looks up into the clear night sky, the trees morph into skyscrapers.


(via Huckleberry Fine Art)

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Turning Head by Thomas Woodruff

Upside Down 5 January 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Today’s topsy-turvy optical illusion is from a series by Thomas Woodruff called ‘The Court’.  On the artist’s website, the following is noted about this series of works:

This project started with a simple idea: to see if the traditional visual parlor trick of the “upside-down head” could be taken to new pictorial heights while conveying emotional depth.  The impetus for these works began when a close friend of the artist’s was diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s disease.  The friend turned to puzzles to try to keep his mind sharp, and Woodruff began to create his own puzzles where a character can turn into another by a simple flip.

Here is how the head rendered in pastel looks when viewed one way:

Thomas Woodruff - The Court - #1

By turning the image upside down, a completely different face is revealed.

Thomas Woodruff - The Court - #2

(via Thomas Woodruff)

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Fire Breathing Dog Optical Illusion

Forced Perspective 1 January 2015 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Happy New Year everyone!  It is difficult to believe that it is already 2015.  I thought we would kick off the new year with something light and a little humorous.  The person who took this photograph likely did not know exactly what they had captured until they took a look at the picture later.  It looks like the dog on the right is shooting fire from its mouth directly into the fire pit in the foreground.

Fire Breathing Dog Optical Illusion

To see more perfectly-timed photographs that would be difficult to replicate, take a look at the Strange Looking Kid Optical Illusion and the Strange Legs Optical Illusion.  Sometimes the best photographs are the ones that you never planned in the first place.

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Brusspup’s Minecraft Poster Illusion

Forced Perspective, Video 29 December 2014 No Comments Yet - Share Your Thoughts

Using the same type of style employed by British artist Patrick Hughes, Brusspup created this mind-boggling video featuring a poster dedicated to the game Minecraft (a game about breaking and placing blocks).  As you move to the left and right it looks like the elements of the poster are moving and following you in some strange way.  As the camera moves extremely to the right, however, it becomes clear what is going on here and the mystery behind the construction of this unique poster is revealed.

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