11 October 2012 0 Comments
Using an LCD screen, a transparent overlay and four yellow Post-It Notes, Brusspup creates his own version of the moving square illusion. According to Brusspup: There are 2 sets of lines moving back and forth perpendicularly but when the paper squares are placed on the screen the lines suddenly appear to be a square moving […]
18 September 2012 0 Comments
Using poster board, tape and some creativity, Brusspup created the following incredible anamorphic illusion of the Apple corporate logo in his apartment. The illusion is completed when he enters the room and shuts a glass sliding door and window. The entire setup took him approximately 10 hours to complete. Being a perfectionist, Brusspup thought that […]
14 August 2012 0 Comments
Brusspup had to drain his pool and used the opportunity to create a new anamorphic illusion. When standing in a specific spot, a blue #2 pool ball can be seen in the pool. From all other angles, the ball is distorted. Additional footage related to the creation of this optical illusion can be viewed by […]
23 July 2012 0 Comments
As the camera moves, the dragon’s head appears to follow it. Whether the camera moves side to side or up and down, the eyes always seem to move to look directly at the camera. The video reveals how the illusion works. Your mind makes the assumption that the dragon head is shaped one way when […]
5 June 2012 0 Comments
The checker shadow illusion was originally published by MIT professor Edward H. Adelson in 1995. It presents two squares that are the same shade but appear to be quite different from one another. The video below demonstrates the illusion as a light square in a shadow is moved to reveal that it is the same […]
Forced Perspective,Impossible,Video
25 May 2012 0 Comments
Something is wrong in the universe. Gravity is no longer working and objects have started rolling uphill. What exactly is going on here? Watch the video from Brusspup below to see the effect. At the end of the video, the secret is revealed.
Anamorphosis,Forced Perspective,Video
14 May 2012 0 Comments
From one specific camera angle, it appears that Pac-Man is chasing a ghost on the wall of an apartment. As the camera moves from its location, however, an illusion is revealed. More great videos from Brusspup can be found at Swimming Pool Illusion and Apple Logo Illusion.