21 October 2020 0 Comments
I just searched through the archives, and I cannot believe that the famous duck rabbit optical illusion has not been featured in the past. You’ve probably already seen this image, but it is worth another look because of its powerful simplicity. Do you see a duck or a rabbit? Can you find both? The animal […]
Upside Down
30 January 2017 0 Comments
Russian cartoonist Valentine Dubinin illustrated this unique portrait. It depicts a duck hunter in the water getting ready to fire at a duck desperately attempting to flee the scene. The hunter’s dog can be seen in the lower right-hand corner of the image, possibly ready to retrieve the duck if the hunter lands a successful […]
Animation,Upside Down
23 April 2015 0 Comments
I always love getting submissions directly from artists that I am not familiar with. I was fortunate enough to receive an email from Laurent Blachier a few days ago pointing me to some of his topsy-turvy animated gifs. Laurent is an illustrator, digital collage artist, and caricaturist, among other things. Below is an animated gif […]