Browsing archives for 'Ambiguous'

Ambiguous Horse Optical Illusion

Ambiguous 8 November 2012 0 Comments

Ambiguous Horse Optical Illusion

Looking at the man on the horse below, can you tell whether he is riding away from you or toward you?  Does the dog walking along side of him give you any clues?  What do you think? This illusion is very similar to The Photographer that was featured previously.  It should be noted, however, that […]

Ambiguous Photograph by Joe Burull

Ambiguous 30 October 2012 0 Comments

Lip Leaf Ambiguous Photograph by Joe Burull

What do you see in the photograph below?  Are you sure? This incredibly simple and deceptive photograph was provided courtesy of Joe Burull.  More of  his creative photographs can be found at

Ambiguity by Kaia Nao

Ambiguous,Impossible 26 October 2012 0 Comments

Ambiguity Illusion by Kaia Nao

Ambiguity is defined as doubtfulness or uncertainty with respect to interpretation.  In the image below, a string is threaded through a series of tubes.  Do you notice anything doubtful or uncertain as you try to interpret how this string is threaded through the tubes? This image was designed by Kaia Nao.

Mad or Sad?

Ambiguous 24 September 2012 0 Comments

Mad or Sad? by Humberto Machado

Ambiguous faces have been popular optical illusions for well over a century.  We previously featured a vintage ambiguous face that was published in Strand magazine in 1899.  In the example below, drawn by Humberto Machado, two different faces can be found.  One is a man who looks mad and another is a man who appears […]

House I by Roy Lichtenstein

Ambiguous,Video 20 September 2012 0 Comments

House I by Roy Lichtenstein

Roy Lichtenstein was an American pop artist whose style was influenced by both popular advertising and comic books.  He created a sculpture titled House I for the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C. in 1998.  The house, constructed with fabricated and painted aluminum, appears to be normal when viewed from a fixed […]

Exclamation Mark by Simon C Page

Ambiguous 13 September 2012 0 Comments

Exclamation Mark

As a finger and thumb reach for a circle, something else can be perceived in the negative space.  What do you see? Visit to view more works from graphic designer and illustrator Simon C Page.

The Photographer

Ambiguous 4 September 2012 3 Comments

The Photographer

Joaquim Alves Gaspar captured this photograph of a man walking in a tunnel holding a camera.  The picture was taken at São Martinho do Porto on the west coast of Portugal.  It is uncertain whether the man is approaching the camera or walking away from it.  Can you tell? This picture was found on Wikimedia […]