Upside Down
30 January 2017 0 Comments
Russian cartoonist Valentine Dubinin illustrated this unique portrait. It depicts a duck hunter in the water getting ready to fire at a duck desperately attempting to flee the scene. The hunter’s dog can be seen in the lower right-hand corner of the image, possibly ready to retrieve the duck if the hunter lands a successful […]
15 February 2016 0 Comments
A man with a lantern emerges from a grouping of pine trees and approaches the edge of a lake. As he looks down the coastline, the pine trees transform into skyscrapers in the night. Can you tell where the pine trees end and the skyscrapers begin? You have to wonder when Rob Gonsalves painted this […]
22 January 2015 0 Comments
Why is this plane flying so low to the ground? It looks like an extremely dangerous maneuver. The plane is actually flying high above the ground. What appears to be the plane’s “shadow” is a lake far below in the background. This image was provided courtesy of Robert Ausbourne.
22 July 2013 3 Comments
This painting portrays a magical scene during what might be a power outage in a big city. When the dark row of skyscrapers reflects on the surface of the lake, the city comes alive. To order prints of Rob Gonsalves’ work, please visit Huckleberry Fine Art.
28 January 2013 0 Comments
I love the work of Rob Gonsalves. Each of his paintings presents a subtle yet magical transformation. When the viewer finally realizes what is going on, he (or she) cannot help but be impressed. His painting below, titled “The Phenomenon of Floating” presents a woman floating on her back and looking at the heavens in […]
Forced Perspective
17 September 2012 0 Comments
A very large finger disturbs the calm surface of a pond and creates a series of ripples. Or… a man throws a rock into the water, quickly positions his finger in front of the camera, and then takes a quick forced perspective photograph.
2 August 2012 0 Comments
What do you see here? A view of a lake with mountains behind it? Or do you see something else? There is no lake in this picture. What most people perceive to be a body of water is actually a short wall. What did you see when you first looked at the picture?