Anamorphosis,Forced Perspective
18 June 2015 0 Comments
Tracy Lee Stum created this 3D street painting for the Dubai Canvas 3D Art Festival in early March 2015. Seen below, Tracy can be seen climbing up the the side of a skyscraper. She better keep a good grip on the side of that building, because it certainly looks like a pretty long drop if […]
23 March 2015 0 Comments
Here, streetpainter Tracy Lee Stum can be seen bringing the Grand Canyon directly to the streets of Santa Monica, California. She was tasked by the Arizona Tourism Board to create this remarkable piece of street art in an effort to get Californians interested in visiting the National Park at some point in the future. The […]
Forced Perspective
17 July 2014 0 Comments
Seven people leaning against a wall marvel at the sight of a flying dog. It almost appears that the dog is full of helium. Two other similar photographs worth revisiting are Climbing from Erik Minnema and the optical illusion courtesy of Hurricane Sandy.
Anamorphosis,Forced Perspective,Impossible,Video
21 November 2013 0 Comments
This one minute commercial for the Honda CR-V features a number of different optical illusions. The tag line for the commercial is “An Impossible Made Possible”, and the result is a mind-bending and pretty entertaining advertisement. I typically do not like many commercials, but I must admit that this one was well done. Do you […]
28 October 2013 0 Comments
Much like his street painting The Crevasse, Edgar Mueller’s The Waterfall features what appears to be a giant hole in the pavement revealing a dramatic scene. Edgar created this anamorphic work in July 2007 on River Street in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada. This street painting, created for the Prairie Arts festival, was the biggest three-dimensional […]
13 February 2013 0 Comments
Kurt Wenner used to work at NASA. Now he is one of the most recognized 3D street artists in the world. His anamorphic painting below features Spiderman flying high above the streets and slinging webs that you can actually walk across. Or at least you can make it appear that you are doing so if […]
10 October 2012 0 Comments
This is an excellent example of the way in which our eyes deceive us. In the street view shown below, the line AB looks to be much longer than line CD. If you measure them, however, you will find that they are exactly the same length.